
Have you ever heard people talk about how expensive things were in Europe and wondered if that’s really true? Or if it is, where do you find the cheap things to do in Europe?

If you’re going to Europe on a budget, then you’re probably looking for any way to cut costs without cutting away from your experience.

Experiencing the richness of European life and foods on your vacation doesn’t have to include stressing over your budget.

You can happily stroll down the beautiful cobblestone streets with a pastry in hand without getting those disappointing “over budget” emails from your budgeting software after your trip to Europe.

Chris and I have spent so much time in Europe over the last few years that we could probably say that we’ve lived there. Out of the year and a half that we were full-time digital nomads, we spent eight months in Europe traveling, working, and learning what life is like – all on a budget.

So here’s our five favorite cheap things to do in Europe ­– for one euro!


  1. How We Got the Travel Bug 
  2. 5 Cheap Things to do Europe
  3. Get this iconic European experience without busting your budget
  4. A sneak peek into what daily life is like in Europe
  5. Our favorite grocery store finds all over Europe
  6. How to get souvenirs for friends and family without wasting your vacation time and money 

The first time Chris and I went to Europe was in February 2016 when we had one of those rare gaps in time where we weren’t tied to a job or an apartment. So we left on a whim to backpack around Europe on a budget.

Get the full breakdown of how we went to Europe for 5 weeks for $5,000 here.

We were ultra-budget backpackers – like the kind of budget where we would walk the extra mile to find a café that had an espresso for ten cents cheaper. Hey, that ten cents adds up! (Or so Chris tells me…)

Since then, we’ve learned a lot from traveling around Europe as digital nomads (including an 8-month honeymoon!).

So here are our five favorite cheap things to do in Europe – all for about 1 euro!

After you watch the video, scroll on down for some more details on each thing to do and a few bonus points just for you – our lovely blog readers.

#1 Cheap Thing to Do in Europe: Drink an Espresso

Sometimes I think the only reason I go to bed is so that I can have coffee again in the morning. Is that just me?

Clearly, my love for coffee runs deep and in Europe, I can indulge in my coffee habit without worrying about my budget.

You know how people are always saying that if you just cut out your coffee a day habit, then you could save one million dollars a year (or something like that)?

Well, now you can tell them that if you were in Europe, then it wouldn’t be an issue. Insert a little sass for the intended effect unless they know a way to get a European passport, then bat those eyelashes.

Drinking espresso in Europe should only be about one euro. In the small towns, these prices are very easy to come by and in the big cities, you’ll find the best deals by drinking your espresso at the bar with all of the other locals.

#2 Cheap Thing to Do in Europe: Buy a baguette

Baguettes or fresh bread, in general, is a staple of life in Europe. One baguette is only about one euro but you’re not just buying some bread. You’re buying the experience of everyday European life.


You’ve scoped out the best bakery by eyeing which one has the longest line and now your waiting with everyone else to buy your bread for a picnic lunch.

The smell of fresh-baked goodies is enveloping you and making your hunger and anticipation grow as you wait.

The person in front of you quickly makes their selection while having a friendly conversation to catch up with the baker.

But now it’s your turn, and after stumbling your way through French or Italian or whatever language, a smiling baker helps you make your selection.

They wrap it up for you in some brown paper, you pay your one euro and now you’re off to find the best picnic spot in the city with a baguette sticking out of your bag just like you’ve seen in all of those photos online.

This delightful thing to do in Europe only cost you one euro and adds to your experience of getting to know how other people live.

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Bonus points for getting an espresso AND a cannoli. That’s the Italian way right there. 

#3 Thing to Do in Europe on a Budget: Buy some bakery items

My trips to the bakery do look like the picture described above except for one little detail: I always get distracted.

While I’m waiting in line, I can’t help but eye those colorful, glazed treats behind the glass.

For about 1 euro, I like to get an éclair or a croissant or just about anything that’s pistachio flavored. Or for three euros – I can get all of them.

Moral of the story: Don’t skip out on a trip to the bakery.

There’s nothing quite like wandering around an Italian town with a cannoli in hand. While you’re taking in all of the beautiful sights and sounds of Italy, you can enjoy a taste of Italy too.

#4 Thing to Do in Europe on a Budget: Go to the grocery store

Going to grocery stores in other countries is one of my favorite things to do. I know that probably sounds weird but I love looking at all of the different kinds of foods, drinks, and snacks!

In our video, you saw how much we LOVE scones and crevettes. But here are a few of our other favorite grocery store snacks that we didn’t mention in the video (even though they may not be a euro):

  • Spain: Fresh-squeezed orange juice
  • Italy: Pesto and coffee
  • France: Dark chocolate with hazelnuts
  • Germany: Paprika peanuts with a crunchy shell (I think these are called twin nuts?)
  • Belgium: Chocolate with espresso truffle filling
  • Ireland: Irish cheddar
  • UK: Chocolate biscuits or really any kind of biscuits (aka cookies)
  • Switzerland: Ragusa blonde chocolate and Apple juice soda (Ramseier Apple Schorle) 

Maybe I’ll do a full blog post on this topic at some point? If that’s something you’re interested in, then leave a comment below!

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Vintage Postcards = Souvenir Gold Mine

#5 Favorite Thing to Do in Europe for 1 Euro: Buy Postcards

Postcards are my souvenir of choice. They are cheap, compact, and really cute! I love collecting the ones that have a vintage look to them so that when I hang them on the wall, they all look good together.

Side note: Two very important things consider when you’re thinking about souvenirs for your friends and family:

1. Be careful about starting this tradition.
If you plan on traveling a lot, then these souvenirs can take up a large portion of your budget, fill up space in your suitcase, and take away time that you could be exploring the city instead of the inside of a tourist shop.

2. If you do decide to get them souvenirs, just get chocolate.
There’s a chocolate bar for everyone and who isn’t going to love getting delicious chocolate from a foreign country?

Once I decided on postcards being my souvenir and chocolate for everyone else, it made it so much easier when we are exploring to not get distracted by all of the trinkets in the windows.

Who really needs a shamrock-shaped spoon rest anyways? Carrying around an assorted collection of breakable items stuffed into my backpack never seemed like a good idea.

Are you planning a trip to Europe on a budget and looking for ways to save money? Drop us a comment below if these tips were helpful and if you find any others that we can try next time we’re in Europe!

Here are a few other videos and resources we’ve made to help you plan your next trip to Europe:

Did you find this post helpful and informative? Save it for later on Pinterest! 

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